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I am a photographer that choses to use my power to fight Islamophobia. My projects are about showing audiences visibly, through images, what a regular Muslim woman is all about. They are there to challenge any views that say anything else.


Muslim women have the choice to do whatever they want. However, the negative portrayal of many media representations has made it harder for them to do just that. Rather than being restricted by religion, Muslim women often find that they are faced by barriers from society. 


To show that these obstacles are coming from things outside of the religion my images may help to overcome social barriers, such certain work places not allowing Muslim women to gain employment because they wear hijab. The more these issues come out in the open the easier it will become to combat them. 

As I am a British Pakistani Muslim myself, I understand the issues that Muslim women have to deal with on a daily basis. This is why I have chosen this specific topic as I can put my heart into my work, as I fully understand the issues concerned. 

Exhibitions / Interviews / Talks


Exhibition at St Fagans, Cardiff

Featuring work from 'The Everyday' starting 27th October.


Ffotogallery Q&A Panel 

The representation of Muslim women in Photography,

discussing elements related to 'The Everyday' project. 18th September 2018 at 29 Castle Street, Cardiff.

ITV Interview, 6pm News

Discussing my series 'The Everyday' and my exhibition with Ffotogallery.

6th August 2018 

Ffotoview Exhibition, Angel Space, Cardiff.

'Standing up' and 'The Everyday' 3rd August - 29th September 2018 at the Angel space, Cardiff. 

Mynd i Fyni Exhibition, Bay Art, Cardiff.

Selected images from 'The Everyday' exhibited. 8th June - 13 June 2018

Radio Cardiff Interview with Fateha Ahmed

Interview talking about the series 'Standing Up' and questions on

the relevance of the project.

Lecture at Cardiff University

Delivering a lecture on Hate crime from personal experiences

to 300 medical students whilst introducing my work.


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